
Share your skills, gain new ones


100s of different volunteer roles are on offer, from management positions to behind the scenes roles like driving the minibus or painting and decorating.4

Would you like to be part of a growing, active and outgoing group?

Great! Whatever your strengths, we’ll do our best to find a role that suits you, whether it’s on the front line, providing fun, friendship, and adventure to Young People or behind the scenes possibly organising fundraising events or maintaining a hut and grounds.

At the moment our most pressing need in the district is for more Volunteers and Volunteer helpers – it isn’t as scary as it sounds so please, read on…

As a Volunteer you don’t need to start off knowing how to tie a bowline, light a fire without matches or navigate by the stars – as long as you’re willing to give things a try, you’ll pick up the required skills in no time and our experienced team is always there to help you get started.

Still interested? Of course you are!

Please complete the Enquiry Form and we’ll be happy to give you a call to discuss things further.

Got a question?

1. Do I really have the skills you need?
You don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls to get involved with Scouting. Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills and you can volunteer and help in many ways

2. What if I don’t have that much spare time?
Volunteering with us is easy, fun and flexible – how much time you give is completely up to you. Whether you help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events or camps, there is bound to be a role you can play, and no matter how you get involved, we’ll make sure you’re properly trained and supported.

 3.  What will I get out of volunteering?
As well as gaining externally recognised skills and having a brilliant time, Scouting also offers the chance to build on personal skills, like teamwork, confidence and leadership. A study found that over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives

4. My child is in Scouting – is there anything I could do to help?
The short answer is yes. Many of our helpers and leaders are parents of our youth members because they’ve seen firsthand how Scouting benefits young people and want to give something back. It’s also a chance to spend more time with your children and learn new skills. Speak to your child’s leader to discuss how you might become involved.

5 . Are there any age restrictions on helping out?
As long as you’re over 18, you can help out as an adult volunteer in Scouting. There is no upper age limit for adult volunteers. If you are aged between 14 to 18, there is the option of becoming a Young Leader or via DofE award scheme.


Volunteer Team Leaders – these are the uniformed leaders team who run Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We urgently need Assistant Leaders across all sections. Required to undertake training

Volunteer Team Members – again across all three Sections. No need to wear uniform and only undertake the basic training which is done online in around half day.

Management Committee – only required about 10 hours a year. Responsible for policy making and managing the team. the official title is Group Trustee Board. No formal training is required. we provide an online training course for this

Non Member – DBS required – simply need to have a DBS to help out as and when you can more than 3 times a month- a couple of hours a term. No training. No uniform.

Please complete the enquiry form below and we’ll be happy to give you a call to discuss things further.