All adult leaders in scouting are required to attend safeguarding training, to take it online, and to send a screenshot the certificate to your training advisor.
Where children or Members are being abused, bullied, maligned or harassed then action should be taken.
The Young People First “Yellow card” gives detailed advice if you are concerned about the wellbeing of a child or the appropriateness of the behaviour of an adult working with children.
Take any observations of abuse or neglect of a child seriously and make a written record to pass on to your GSL or DC as soon as possible. Do not investigate, but if you think there may be an imminent risk of significant harm do contact the Police on 999 or Calderdale Social Services first response team on 01422 393336
Any adult in Scouting has the right to report any accusations, concerns, or suspicions they become aware of about another Member (or themselves) in confidence and remain free from harassment. Do not investigate or retaliate, but inform your GSL and or DC, make a written record and pass this on as soon as possible. They will in turn contact headquarters for advice.
POR 2.4(c) The “Young People First “(yellow card) sets out a Code of Behaviour, which is essential for all adults in Scouting to follow. Adults who fail to implement the Code of Behaviour or procedures issued by Headquarters may have the matter drawn to the attention of the relevant Commissioner who must take appropriate disciplinary action
POR 2.4(d) Adults must not consume alcohol when they are directly responsible for young people on a Scouting activity and must not permit young people (aged under 18 years) to consume alcohol on Scouting activities.
Additional information can be found in the “Members: Safety, health and life issues: Child protection” section on you may also contact the County safeguarding team